
Welcome to unSTRATEGIC.

The Podcast that Explores Digital Strategy.

We journey through the many layers of digital strategy including disciplines, methodologies, and tactics. Topics we discuss are web & mobile strategy, UX/UI & design, project & account management, consulting, and much more. We also chat with many industry professionals around their area of expertise.

If you’re in the tech/web/digital world and want to learn more about digital strategy — use this site to listen to episodes, find strategy resources, and get useful tips and tricks. It’s our goal to democratize digital strategy.

Strategy Resources

Strategy and being strategic are two different things. Strategy is a noun; it’s a surrounding environment that brings structure and helps shape web projects and products. Being strategic is a verb; the strategist is able to pivot thoughtfully when shifting needs arise, goals expect to be met, and action plans require creation.

We can help with both, here are a few of our most popular strategy resources:

Strategic Account Plan Template
The Digital Strategy Matrix
Strategic Roadmapping — Trello Board


Hey guys! I’m Adam James Lamagna, the host of unSTRATEGIC. I frequent a lot of tech conferences and randomly ask people to share strategy resources. However, I found that I got a lot of pushback because “strategy” is what makes companies the “big bucks.”

Well…I’d like to democratize digital strategy and make it accessible to everyone. Strategy is not a linear process. It deviates, it interrupts, it changes with new information, fluctuating data, and further research. As strategists, it’s our job to observe, explore, probe, inquire, study, and detect. Then we need to harvest intelligent insights and put together solid recommendations.

Continue reading “About”


Ecommerce: Best Practices & Basic Concepts

Ecommerce is the buying and selling of goods and/or services online, simply put it’s electronic commerce. The strategy surrounding ecommerce is quite a big (and broad) topic. In order to understand ecommerce strategy, we need to first know the fundamentals and what makes for a good ecommerce website. This resource will cover the best practices …

The Goals Pyramid

The Goals Pyramid creates a structure for marketing a company’s value to its users. Most businesses have primary goals of revenue, value, and awareness. Almost any company you work with will want to make more moeny, create more value for their customers or users, and gain more awareness for their brand. To help make this …


We appreciate you stopping by and hope you’ve found something useful that applies to your digital strategy initiatives. Please feel free to email us below and tell us about a topic or subject that you’re interested in. Or if you have a specific problem that you’re trying to solve, connect with us and we’ll try to help you through it.

You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or SoundCloud. We’d love to hear from you. Cheers!