A Guide for Custom Web Proposals – Download

Custom web proposals can take a lot of time and effort to create. In addition, there’s no guarantee that you’ll win the business by writing a custom proposal. I’ve put together a formula for creating bespoke web proposals. My hope is that it will help you produce better creative material to send to your prospects. Therefore, potentially winning better and bigger clients. Download the resource below to follow along with the podcast episode Creating Custom Web Proposals.

Links from E8: The Flexible Strategist

Hey guys, here are some of the links that we talked about in Episode 8: The Flexible Strategist (Strategy Talk with Matt O’Bryant)

  1. Hot Jar: https://www.hotjar.com/ – heat maps, analytics, conversion funnels
  2. Treejack by Optimal Workshop: https://www.optimalworkshop.com/treejack – information architecture testing
  3. 20 Second gut test: https://clearleft.com/posts/354 – getting a feel for your client’s design aesthetics.
